Climate Sense
Fight Climate Change By

Awareness, Behaviour & Change

Helping companies fight climate change through 3 steps process of awareness, behaviour & change in their day to day business activities.

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Environment Technology by ClimateSense

We are on a mission to make it easy for businesses to help fight climate change during their day-to-day business activities. Our Environment Technology is modern, intelligent and self-learning.

It collects thousands of weather & climate data points from 100+ sources.

It does activity analysis of businesses to identify potential concern areas.

It pin points exact time, exact activities for you to take climate actions.

It helps your employees learn, act in a gamified and fun approach.

It integrates right into tools and technologies you already use.

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Integrations that fit into your stack

10 +
Softwares & Platforms
28 +
Happy Customers
Choose Your Stack

Simply pick your existing software or platform. If it's not available, we'll add soon.

Integrate Our API

Add our respective platform app or directly integrate API into your stack to start.

Become Climate-Smart

We'll start analyzing your actitivites and help you take climate-sensitive actions.

About Us

We are a small team consisting of technologists, environmentalists and climate-advocates, who are on a mission to help fight climate change and make the earth a better place. We believe climate change is a serious threat, and fighting it requires intelligent, coordinated efforts across business activities. We have designed a 3-step process of awareness, behavior & change, i.e. ABC to help companies fight climate change and contribute to the environment via their day-to-day business activities.

Our ABC Concept to fight climate change


Our software analyzes your business activities and plans using our intelligent climate impact APIs and helps you become aware of issues like CO2e emissions, electricity over-use, waste disposal, etc. It makes your employees aware about climate change issues.


Our software focuses on helping you take steps and behave in a climate sustainable way. It recommends energy-efficient modes of transport for business activities; suggesting cab-pooling, or public-transport to employees when city air quality is poor, etc.


Our ultimate goal is to help your company and its employees change in a way so that your business becomes sustainable, carbon-neutral, climate-aware, and eco-sensitive. It will shape the way you contribute to climate change fight as a company.

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